100 Blogs in 100 Days

Yzabel / August 19, 2005

Passing the word along: Duncan at The Blog Herald is holding a 100 blogs in 100 days projet. Starting Monday 22, he’ll be presenting one blog per day, during 100 days, in order to help promote less known blogs.

Email me at editor@blogherald.com with subject line of “100 blogs in 100 days” with your blogs details (name, url etc..). You also need to include up to, but no more than 100 words about your blog, what it does, what it’s about, or why the readers of the Blog Herald should visit it that will be published as part of the post. In return though I’ll be inviting Blog Herald readers to provide some feedback in the comments here on what they think about your blog.

Feel free to send your blog URL along—or to simply check The Blog Herald, which is an interesting read in itself anyway.blogging, 100blogs

FILED UNDER : Blogging



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