Yzabel / July 7, 2005
Someone Comes To The Web
It had been a little while that I wanted to write something about this – however, I was waiting until I had laid my hands on it, and above all read it, or at least a few pages, in order to not be completely clueless about the matter. The way it’s been released now in Second Life gives me one more reason to do so.Cory Doctorow’s third novel Someone Comes To Town, Someone Leaves Town (yes, the same Cory who writes at Boing Boing) is available since july 1st not only as paperback, but also as a free e-book and as a very nice prims-made book in Second Life. I say “nice”, because I actually picked up a copy there recently, placed it on the first floor of my home/store there, and finds it pretty and well done. Not the easiest thing to read when in such a shape, but nice nonetheless. There’s more to this – Cory Doctorow himself, as reported by Wagner James Au, will be in Second Life on July 24th for an online discussing and signing of his book.More convenient to read, both for SL residents as well as for those who aren’t interested in this virtual world, the free e-book copy is downloadable in PDF, HTML and text formats on Cory’s website. Of course, said book is also available for purchase
, in case the paperback version would look more appealing (which it likely does).I’m not very far yet in my reading of said book; however, it has been interesting, to say the least – in a very bizarre kind of way, where the caregiving son of a mountain and a washing-machine tries to spread a free wireless Internet with a group of cyber-anarchists. Yes, this sounds weird; a weird that is quite enjoyable to read.(Tags: book, cory_doctorow, ebook, second_life)