A Little Tool To Backup A LiveJournal Blog
What I’m going to point at today is LJ Book.I’ve discovered it earlier on this morning, and thought it’d be interesting to share it. While one of the aims of this tool is to generate a PDF of all the posts on a LiveJournal blog (in order for the blog owner to publish it using LuLu or another POD service), another one is the backup of one’s posts. Yes, I do have a small blog on LJ, that I really use for personal purposes only, and it’s good to have a trace somewhere of what I’ve written, in case it someday disappears—which will surely happen sooner or later: nothing on the Internet is truly immortal.If you’re anything like me, you probably dislike not having this level of control on your own words/webpages. With WordPress or any system that you host on your website, it’s of course easy to backup the database, but what about LJ or other services that don’t offer this function? No more worrying or saving the HTML pages one by one! The output isn’t schmancy-fancy nor full of user pictures and colors, but the text is safe, and it’s what matters.
FILED UNDER : Blogging , Internet , Writing & Stories
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Elvira Black
What a great concept–alas, since I’m still on Blogger, I guess I can’t take advantage. I share that phobia of having my blog disappear one day into a black hole in cyberspace–please no! Aghhhh!
It’s not impossible that such a tool exists for Blogger blogs, even if I don’t know it yet. If I happen to find one, I’ll keep you informed 🙂