In The Pursuit Of A RSS Reader
I’m posting this entry from Flock, just to test the blog function in it. Believe it or not, I hadn’t done that yet (although I’d say the only real interest with it for the moment would be to get the account, if there’s still someone around who hasn’t gotten one). So far, things seem to work well, except that… “where are my categories?!” I wonder if I’ll be able to pick one later on. Hmm.
The other new of the moment is that I think I’ve finally set on a non-web RSS feeds reader. To be honest, SharpReader and FeedDemon, as hyped as they are, don’t cut it for me. I don’t know why, perhaps it’s a question of looks, of “feeling” with them. A software can be extremely powerful, if I don’t have the right feeling with it (and this has nothing to do with “looking like an OS X interface” or anything of the same kind), I won’t be at ease with it. Alright, I also didn’t want to settle down with something I needed to pay, I admit; there are way enough pieces of software I’ve paid for, and I’m starting to grow broke.
Thus, I’ve been using RSS Reader since the beginning of the week, and it seems to do the job well enough for me (BottomFeeder was nice, but getting on my nerves, with some new posts it’d pick ten times a day and crashing every hour or so). It’s also been able to read feeds that BottomFeeder couldn’t; don’t ask me why, I just know it couldn’t. The only not-so-funny thing is that there hasn’t been any newer version in the past months. However, I don’t know if this is really a problem per se.
I think I’ve pretty much toured enough readers as of now. I’ll still keep an eye open, though.
EDIT: Indeed, no way of choosing categories. Argh.