Yzabel / December 15, 2013

The Library of Dreams anthology is live!

And there we go: official launch day!

The Library of Dreams anthology is now available through Amazon worldwide, Createspace and Smashwords:

Please check the book’s official page on the PSG Publishing website for more details.

Although my own copy hasn’t arrived yet (and won’t reach France before January), let’s just say that the ebook version, on the other hand, is already on my tablet, and very soon to be opened and read.

Yzabel / December 15, 2013

The last ones

And the last two teaser pictures are here. Keep tuned for more… soon. Pretty soon.

Yzabel / December 13, 2013

Three days to go…

The first one definitely keeps me fascinated… Probably because it makes me think of the improbably love child of a Stargate with the Otherworld from Silent Hill.


Yzabel / December 6, 2013

Teasin’ away…

Teasers #5 and #6!

(And why does “his special place” does make me think of Silent Hill 2?)

Yzabel / December 2, 2013

Library of Dreams & PSG Publishing

Although these days, I’m mostly active here with book reviews, I haven’t stopped writing. On the contrary. You may have noticed the little NaNoWriMo widget in the side bar, by the way; by now it should tell you that I’ve completed my 50k this year again—and don’t be surprised if I post more about this soon.

For now, I wish to introduce a project I’ve partaken in, in the past few months. You see, through Wattpad, I met quite a few other aspiring (or not-so-aspiring-anymore) authors, and at some point, one of them invited me to a closed group on Facebook. Sometime in the summer of 2013, an idea was raised there: “what if we published an anthology of short stories, whose benefits would all go to a charity?”

Well, the charity we chose to support is LitWorld. You can find us at PSG Publishing. And on December 15, we’re releasing our anthology, titled Library of Dreams.

So, here we are. Fifteen authors who gathered and wrote about dreams, in many shapes and aspects. Well, after a team of editors sweept the floor behind us, and cracked their whips gave us useful advice about how to make those stories even better, of course.

One of these authors, Maya Starling, has also been working on the graphic side, and provided us with “teaser quotes” to hand out throughout the first two weeks of the month. And I’m telling you, I find them so very appealing. I hope they’ll titillate your reading mind as much as they did mine. (I haven’t read the other authors’ stories. Not even excerpts. I intend to fully discover them on release day, just like everyone else.) Here are the first two:

Teaser Quote n°1

Teaser Quote n°1

Will you be with us on December 15, when we free both dreams and nightmares onto the world?

Yzabel / October 30, 2013

No matter what I write, it sucks

Or at least, that’s the way I often feel. Although it’s not true. Well, not completely. (What, did you think this ost was going to be about me moping from beginning to end? Think twice.)

I’m positive I’m far from being the only writer going through such conundrums. Am I?

Those days when you work on a story, only to read something else a couple of hours later, on a similar theme, something that makes you think that your own text is dumb, flat, flavourless.

Those days when you know the deadline is nearing, that you should work on your short story, finish it quickly so that your beta-readers (or just yourself, if you don’t have any) still have some time left to proof-read it. But you can’t, because that nagging feeling is always here, whispering “it’s useless, this text will never be accepted, it’ll just land on the slush pile among all the other submissions that are just as crappy as yours.” So you remain sitting at your desk, looking blandly at a story you know how to finish, only the words won’t come out.

Those days when your own ideas seem wonderful as long as they remain in your head, only to lose all their punch in your eyes once you commit them to paper (or computer). And you wonder, once again, whether it was worth it or not, whether you’re doomed to “ruin” everything you touch. Whether you “have it in you” at all.

Yet you don’t stop. You cannot stop. Something in you prompts you to go on. Some masochistic streak, perhaps. Or some hidden strength that discreetly shoves aside the little voice, in its own silent way. You go to bed one day, defeated and considering to just scrap that story and start anew, or not start again at all; the next morning, a random sentence pops into your head, making you think “wait, this would sound great in [that part of] my story”. And there it is again, the spark, the inner glow you had forgotten still dwellt in your heart, and before you know it, your story or chapter is finished—with a bonus: this time, it looks like it can stand on its own two feet for a change, albeit tentatively.

I don’t like the negative thought processes I go through before finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel; on the other hand, they make the good moments seem so much brighter, more intense. I know I’ll go through such rock-bottom phases on a regular basis, and I dread them; at the same time, I’m a little fond of them all the same, because they make me question myself, my craft, my ability to write, and in turn, I am pushed to research writing techniques, experiment with new things, improve as much as I can. I know myself: should I be full of self-confidence all the time, I’d grow complacent, and complacency means stagnation to me.

So perhaps I am a bit of a masochist. Perhaps I’m “lucky”, in a way, in that I’m one of those people who do well in times of stress, and are never as efficient as when the deadline looms in—being able to remain a functional being in such moments of sheer panicking is quite an asset, I tell you. Perhaps I also feel just a little jealous of those writers and other artists who keep their self-confidence in check at all times, or almost, and never let their doubts get in the way. (A little? No, wait. That’s a lie. Replace it by “a lot”.)

Still, it keeps me in check. And when your Muse is just the same lazy bum as yourself, this is definitely something I want. (*)

I guess the morale of this post is simply: never give up, no matter your feelings. If that story’s in you, it has to be given birth, no matter how painful it is.

(*) I admit it openly: I am a lazy person. However, I have developed the Art of Laziness to the following point: “Learn to get things done fast and well, so that you can idle around freely afterwards.” In a twisted way, this is how I achieve efficiency in… pretty much everything.

Yzabel / September 22, 2013

Dystopian YA worlds: Show us why they’re wrong

What follows is worth for any dystopian story, but I’ve noticed this phenomenon in YA dystopias, more specifically. It all arose from a discussion I was having on Goodreads, regarding a book I finished a few days ago, and I’ve been thinking it might be worth addressing in a blog post.

(Please note that I’m going to use a few existing books as examples, but that it doesn’t mean in any way that I’m attacking those. It’s just my opinion, and/or using them to illustrate my point, whether they actually fall into the issue or not. Also, I haven’t read every dystopian YA book here, so by all means, if you know of a counter-example, tell me about it, so that I can check it. I like this genre, after all, and I, masochistic creature that I am, am never against seeing my to-read pile grow.)

I’ve come to realise that one specific shortcoming in a lot of those novels (well, among the ones I’ve read so far) is the lack of a solid world-building, and the logical consequence of the author having to tell rather than show the reader why society in his/her book is bad. It’s Young Adult, so perhaps teenagers don’t really care about that, and I, on the other hand, am only paying attention because I’m trying to improve my own writing. Nevertheless, it tends to make it harder to enjoy those stories, which is too bad, since a lot of the ideas behind them are actually quite good, and could live up to high expectancies if only things were a little more developed in the beginning.

The format usually goes as this: one (or several) teenager(s) living in a dystopian society start as well-integrated citizens, at least on the outside, but soon come to questioning their world, and end up finding out that everything they know is wrong/being on the run/joining La Resistance/all of that. This is a gross simplification, but it’s still the traditional basis in most stories in that genre.

The problem, in my opinion, is that all too often, the world-building tends to be rushed from the beginning, in order to get more quickly to the “let’s escape”/rebellion part, and we as readers don’t get that much of a feeling for what existed before—and thus, no well-defined society against which to pitch the characters’ upcoming new life. Those dystopian societies are “bad” and we know it, of course, because we can compare them to our own. For instance, most readers would think “how horrible” when presented with the mandatory match-making in Matched by Ally Condie: young people are introduced to their match and expected to start planning their lives with him/her, when they don’t even know that person, have never met him/her, and the whole process is based on criteria entered into computers from the day those people are born. It leaves no room to free will, to spontaneously falling in love, to having a say in who you’re going to grow old with. Everybody, or almost, would normally find all of this wrong from the start, without having to be explained why it’s wrong.

However, this is all preliminary knowledge, and as both a reader and a writer, I think that we need to be shown in what ways exactly such societies are bad for the characters. Are the latter physically threatened? Repressed in what they really want? Are they living in fear, and how is that fear being spread by the authorities in charge? Are there regular descents into “dissident homes”, and “rebels” being paraded in front of everyone so that the “good people” won’t be tempted to follow suit? Do the powers that be stage terrorist acts and pin them down on so-called rebels to keep everyone else in line? Is the hero/ine suffering from the life s/he’s leading, or is s/he perfectly integrated? If integrated, what gets to shatter their core beliefs, then, and how exactly does it happen?

There are many more questions to ask and answer to here, but basically, my point is that the characters have to be placed in more than just one “wrong” situation, forced to react to those, for us to actually find their rebellion logical, even though we, as people, are already aware that their world is totally flawed. It’s not about what makes dystopian societies bad for us, but what makes them so for the characters.

And this is, unfortunately, where some novels fail, because they rely mostly on our knowledge as readers, on what our modern socities consider as right or wrong. In turn, this makes it harder, I think, to view the characters as human beings, as real people. Since we already know what makes their fight “righteous”, we’re told that they’re brave (or not), wilful (or not), hot-headed (or not), instead of being shown through more than one scene how exactly they’re all that, and what made them, or is making them become, that way. We’re told that X realises he’s a coward as he just stands there while his friends are fighting, when simply showing him doing exactly that would carry the point across just as well, and better (provided said scene is well-described and pulled the right way, evidently). We may be shown that the police, government, psi corps, military… is bad, because they do this and that bad thing, but this is usually in the beginning, and afterwards the story seems to wander away from this, and the feeling gets lost somewhere in the middle.

As said, not every YA dystopian story suffers from this. However, the problem arises in more than just one book now and then. Besides, for those among us who want to write such novels, it’s worth keeping in mind, in order to avoid falling in the same trap pit.

So, what novels did you read, that did or did not fit that description? And why do you feel the way you do about them?