Yzabel / December 15, 2013

The Library of Dreams anthology is live!

And there we go: official launch day!

The Library of Dreams anthology is now available through Amazon worldwide, Createspace and Smashwords:

Please check the book’s official page on the PSG Publishing website for more details.

Although my own copy hasn’t arrived yet (and won’t reach France before January), let’s just say that the ebook version, on the other hand, is already on my tablet, and very soon to be opened and read.

Yzabel / December 15, 2013

The last ones

And the last two teaser pictures are here. Keep tuned for more… soon. Pretty soon.

Yzabel / December 13, 2013

Three days to go…

The first one definitely keeps me fascinated… Probably because it makes me think of the improbably love child of a Stargate with the Otherworld from Silent Hill.


Yzabel / December 6, 2013

Teasin’ away…

Teasers #5 and #6!

(And why does “his special place” does make me think of Silent Hill 2?)

Yzabel / December 2, 2013

Library of Dreams & PSG Publishing

Although these days, I’m mostly active here with book reviews, I haven’t stopped writing. On the contrary. You may have noticed the little NaNoWriMo widget in the side bar, by the way; by now it should tell you that I’ve completed my 50k this year again—and don’t be surprised if I post more about this soon.

For now, I wish to introduce a project I’ve partaken in, in the past few months. You see, through Wattpad, I met quite a few other aspiring (or not-so-aspiring-anymore) authors, and at some point, one of them invited me to a closed group on Facebook. Sometime in the summer of 2013, an idea was raised there: “what if we published an anthology of short stories, whose benefits would all go to a charity?”

Well, the charity we chose to support is LitWorld. You can find us at PSG Publishing. And on December 15, we’re releasing our anthology, titled Library of Dreams.

So, here we are. Fifteen authors who gathered and wrote about dreams, in many shapes and aspects. Well, after a team of editors sweept the floor behind us, and cracked their whips gave us useful advice about how to make those stories even better, of course.

One of these authors, Maya Starling, has also been working on the graphic side, and provided us with “teaser quotes” to hand out throughout the first two weeks of the month. And I’m telling you, I find them so very appealing. I hope they’ll titillate your reading mind as much as they did mine. (I haven’t read the other authors’ stories. Not even excerpts. I intend to fully discover them on release day, just like everyone else.) Here are the first two:

Teaser Quote n°1

Teaser Quote n°1

Will you be with us on December 15, when we free both dreams and nightmares onto the world?