Teasin’ away…
Teasers #5 and #6!
(And why does “his special place” does make me think of Silent Hill 2?)
Library of Dreams & PSG Publishing
Although these days, I’m mostly active here with book reviews, I haven’t stopped writing. On the contrary. You may have noticed the little NaNoWriMo widget in the side bar, by the way; by now it should tell you that I’ve completed my 50k this year again—and don’t be surprised if I post more about this soon.
For now, I wish to introduce a project I’ve partaken in, in the past few months. You see, through Wattpad, I met quite a few other aspiring (or not-so-aspiring-anymore) authors, and at some point, one of them invited me to a closed group on Facebook. Sometime in the summer of 2013, an idea was raised there: “what if we published an anthology of short stories, whose benefits would all go to a charity?”
Well, the charity we chose to support is LitWorld. You can find us at PSG Publishing. And on December 15, we’re releasing our anthology, titled Library of Dreams.
So, here we are. Fifteen authors who gathered and wrote about dreams, in many shapes and aspects. Well, after a team of editors sweept the floor behind us, and cracked their whips gave us useful advice about how to make those stories even better, of course.
One of these authors, Maya Starling, has also been working on the graphic side, and provided us with “teaser quotes” to hand out throughout the first two weeks of the month. And I’m telling you, I find them so very appealing. I hope they’ll titillate your reading mind as much as they did mine. (I haven’t read the other authors’ stories. Not even excerpts. I intend to fully discover them on release day, just like everyone else.) Here are the first two:
Will you be with us on December 15, when we free both dreams and nightmares onto the world?
Online novel (at last)
It is a public fact that sometimes, I am a real millstone. In order to illustrate that rule, I had of course to put stuff online, mention it everywhere, and… totally forget to write about it on my own blog. Ain’t I dumb!
I’m thus taking a few minutes this morning to post a belated notice here, and announce that, after mulling and pondering the thought, I finally decided to put a story online–namely Unsung Heroes, which those who’ve been here since 2005 have surely heard of (a sci-fi/cyberpunk novel I had started for NaNoWriMo ’05).
As the title easily enough reveals, it’s written in English (I just don’t have the time to translate it into French), hence I feel entitled to blab about it on the English version of the blog as well. The rest of the website is in French, though.
I’ll update accordingly in the weeks and months to follow, and don’t be surprised if I also rewrite a few bits here and there, especially if we take into account the fact that studying English in college always causes me to spot new mistakes these days. For the moment, at least, the first chapter is already available here.
(Critiques and the likes are to be left on the forum or through e-mail, unfortunately: I don’t want to activate a comment system on too many pages of the website, since it seems to attract many Russian people who seemingly love football and bedroom sports a lot. Sorry about that…)
A Tale of Woe
[Since I haven’t been posting much lately–that’s the least we can say, hmmm?–here’s a little “fan-fiction” story. It’s nothing original in itself, and far from being my best, but it kept me writing in English all the same.
For the record, it’s set in the Warcraft universe, more precisely after WC III: Frozen Throne (I happen to like this world somehow, even though it’s quite a simple and basic one). The human kingdoms of the North have been plagued by a strange disease called “the Scourge”, turning them into mindless undead drones, and only a small fraction of them, the Forsaken, has been able to return to their “sanity” – while still remaining undead, that is. Of course, normal humans now consider them all enemies. As for Brill, it’s a Forsaken-controlled village.]Read More
Character Conversations – I
Where the author meets two of her lead protagonists face to face to discuss their future…Damn characters who can never stay quiet, and always need to rant, argue, and demand me to take them to other directions than planned at first! Alright, so this is the product of a late-night writing session, after a fiery battle with myself to rework certain parts of the story. Both of them were involved, so the following dialogue is sort of what got out of it.(Their language isn’t especially well-mannered, nor is mine, for that matter. Not when I argue with my characters.)Read More
Et In Arcadia Nos – Part 4
[Last installment of this story. Read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.]First came the terror, the terror at seeing how Ewell was wiped off the surface of the planet in a matter of minutes, after the first and last use of the A-M bomb prototype. No more shiny cristal cities, no more communications, no more Rims nor Kellens, no more floating islands in the sky of the main land, architectural and technical wizardry meant to create additional space in a once overpopulated country. Varsa’s government itself started to panick, when every satellite liaison broadcast showed the world what was now left of a whole continent.Second came the Flood, the sudden void created in the middle of the ocean causing the waters to subside first, then rise. When they finally retreated again, finding a new, fragile balance, the face of the world was never to be the same again.In the end, caught in the chain of events that had boiled for decades only to culminate without any point of turning-back, the lead countries and their allies annihilated themselves in a last display of raw, brutal strength.Read More