FYI: Yzabel.Net
A few months ago, I gave in and got a domain name with, well, my pen name in it, and found myself facing the following problem: what to do when you have a brand new to deal with, but nothing to put on it? Granted, this webspace has been put to use for more than only a handful of pages (I direct other domain names to these, is all), but it was the entrance one, the index.html, that I didn’t know what to do about. I contemplated migrating my illustrations site, but what for? Paradygma does very well where it is now. A writing site, maybe? Sure, but what to put on it? I can’t afford to give away first print rights on everything I write, and if it’s to publish a couple short stories only, it’s not really worth it.Thus, for anyone who’d be interested, will, for the time being, feature announcements regarding my available blogs, websites, updates, and the likes (yes, including Paradygma). I figured out it might be easy enough to keep everything in one place this way.You can start stalking me now.
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I went and looked around. Very nice. Congrats on acquiring your domain name and setting up the site 🙂
Thanks 🙂 It’s not much in itself, and who knows what I’ll do with it later on, but I don’t like having things lying around unused in any way, so…
Benjamin Solah
My domain has all my sites in one, my blog, my writing and my politics. It’s neater that way…and cheaper 😀
Hehe, I’ve been wondering if this wouldn’t have been a better solution too, Benjamin. My other blogs already having their domain name, though, I’m too lazy to just scrap everything and put it under another name (or something to that extent). However, if someday I have more ideas about what to do with this specific name and site, I’ll make sure to use it fully this time.
I have a website with nothing on it as well. I wish that I didn’t pay for two years of hosting 🙁