Getting Back On Track
This is an intermediary post—no reflexion, nothing really deep, just something to let everyone know that I’m alive and somewhat back.I wouldn’t have thought that a week-end away would have thrown me so off-balance. My original plan was to depart on Friday morning and be back by Saturday evening. Yes, I spent this time at my parents’, as I previously mentioned; I’ve been living alone or with my boyfriend since I was 18, and it’s a fact that since that time, my relationships with them have grown stronger and better than they were before. I suppos I needed my own space to breathe; now that I have it, we can focus on the important things. It was a great week-end. I’m happy I went back to Colmar. It’s not what whacked me over the head.Things ended differently due to this damned cold, and I took the train back on Monday morning only, going straight to the office, and only coming home on Monday evening at nearly 8 pm. No need to say, I was really tired, to the point of collapsing in front of the TV and not doing anything else (those who know me well also know that I never spend an evening in front of the TV if I can avoid it; I need at least some dose of more creative juice flowing in before going to bed, even if it’s only through writing a blog entry or an e-mail).So now I’m trying to get my spirits into gear again, and not take time away from the blog! Because I don’t want to take a break, that is; I just need my brain to be back into its normal, regular strut.I’ve already started to prepare my next entry for here, and will post it later on tonight… I hope.
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