Happy BlogDay, And My Recommendations
Happy BlogDay, on this fair end of afternoon of August 31st! In one of my recent posts, I’ve explained enough what BlogDay is, so I’m going to leave room today for the five blogs I want to recommend, and not gloss too much about what I’ve already written about. Have a good read!The LyceumDaniel Bader is an academic who often finds himself with too much to write on when preparing his classes. He has therefore decided to develop these “non-fitting” ideas in his blog instead of shelving them in a corner, which gives us, readers, interesting entries to dive in, from time-travel to problematic themes such as “killing and letting die”.DoggiewoggieFor whoever owns a dog, or simply wants to know more about them, Pat Doyle writes here a dynamic blog. Doggiewoggie is a good place to go to to find entries about training advice, amusing tidbits and various articles related to dogs… and to their owners as well.Plagiarism TodayA very informative blog about the woes of online plagiarism, related testimonies and what a writer, webmaster or similar copyright holder can do to protect their works—or minimize the damage, if already done. Although it’s not a legal blog per se, it also often deals with the DMCA and other copyright laws.The Burning Question“Have you ever had a burning question that you have never quite found the answer to?” This summarizes this blog’s purpose pretty well: odd and surprising questions, and answers that can be just as surprising, but always informative. I discovered it very recently, and have been reading it each time with a smile on my face.Army of the 12 GritosThis one, you need to visit it to try to understand. Who or what are the Gritos? Why are they here? Their ambassadors are all located in different places in the world… but why? Yes, this feels mysterious. Go have a read… lots of questions and funny musings await you.Y Tags: BlogDay2005 | blogging
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Thanks for mentioning my blog! I really enjoyed looking at a lot of new blogs today.
You’re welcome. It was quite a fun thing, discovering new blogs through this way. 🙂