NaNoWriMo: The First Days
I doubt that this year, I’ll ever write as fast as I did in 2005, but so far, I must admit that things are going quite well. I’m not late on my word count, I even have a 1k-2k words buffer, and I’m happy about my writing: sure, it’s not the best I’m able of, but I am writing and having fun and interest about it, something I’m always afraid of losing at some point due to too many constraints falling over my head. Maybe the saying is in part right. Maybe if you want something done, you really need to give it to a busy person–provided that this person isn’t feeling too worried and depressed in her mind, that is, because I’ve also realized, in retrospective, that 2006 was bad for a certain amount of personal reasons that had nothing to do with my desire to write.
In any case, I am (re)discovering characters I thought I knew too well, my chapters make sense, my plot is slowly unveiling in front of my bewildered eyes. Even if I were to stop working on this novel right now, it would still remain a victory in my eyes. Indeed, I have absolutely no regrets about attempting NaNoWriMo again. This year, and with my mindset and the fact that I’m now well-organized in terms of schedule, it can only be a positive experience.
Yes, writing is a wonderful experience. And I really need to remind myself that no matter the lack of time, no matter the hardships of life, it is an experience that I cannot let go of. Whether I want it or not, it will always be with me, in one form or in another.
FILED UNDER : Writing & Stories
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fred charles
Glad to hear that you are moving along with Nano! Keep up the good work. I, on the other hand, am leisurely writing my next novel lol.Keep us updated on your progress.
As long as there’s progress in the writing, leisurely or not, I guess it’s all good? 🙂