That’s National Novel Writing Year–same as NaNoWriMo, but over the span of 2006. Now this is nothing impossible to do, right?
To be honest, I hadn’t planned on joining at first, but given that I’ve given myself this year (less if possible, and not more!) to finish the first volume of the triolgy, I thought that it could be worth it. I like sharing the progress, and having some kind of accountability on top of the one I need to have toward myself is always something good for me.
I’ve also turned my old NaNo blog into a blog for all NaNo-like things I do/have done/will do, including this one, so if anyone’s interested, that’s where I’ll post the really detailed updates. Or so I plan on doing at the moment, at least.
FILED UNDER : Writing & Stories
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Benjamin Solah
I’m doing something similar at the moment with NILTOY at 500 words per day until October.
I am staying away from the whole Nano thing. I had two bad experiences with it. I find that I hate forcing my creativity. Although, writing a novel over a year seems to be a better pace. You don’t have to force yourself so much or feel like you are constantly falling behind if you take a day or two off.
Looks like I need to check Niltoy, if only to die a little less dumb ;)Fredcq — That’s something I’m afraid of too, forcing my creativity, but I also know my potential for slacking, and I’m queen at this ;)You’re right, though, NaNoWriMo is pretty intense. That’s why the one year version sounds very doable. I don’t feel myself especially tied by it, but let’s admit that if I can’t even finish a stupid first draft in 11-12 months, might as well not call me an author at all! :)(And I’m not forcing myself. In fact, I’m considering working on two novels, since I feel like writing them so much, haha.)
Benjamin Solah
I quit NaNo for that reason – I was burning myself out by writing 3k words in one day, and those were 3k crap words. It didn’t feel creative at all, more like a word production line.
Aye, I admit it can feel this way. I guess I was somewhat lucky, I went through my story without feeling burdened, so it was good. Of course, it’s not the highest quality of writing in the world, but this is probably because I wrote it in English anyway 😀