Alright, I pondered this over the whole week-end, and yesterday, I finally made my choice.Highly influenced by Loïc Le Meur’s way of doing on his own blog, I’ll freely admit it, I’ve decided to reconsider my bilingual approach to this blog, and actually make two blogs – one in English, the other in French. Let’s not fool myself, I like writing in both languages, but having them contained in one post each time I want to share something will probably get tiresome (it has already begun for me, actually). I’m not sure that I, as a reader, would exactly care about having two versions shoved under the nose each time, especially given the fact that I can often write long posts as well.So, here it is:
- The English version of this blog remains here, where it has always been. (You can also access it through the domain name ylogs.com.)
- La version française se trouve à présent à cette URL. Elle sera accessible par le biais du petit drapeau placé sous “About”. Beaucoup plus facile comme cela, non?
Over the past two days, I’ve moved most of the existing posts and comments to the French blog. The remaining ones will very likely be translated and added there as well when I actually finish the whole move (well, not exactly a move, but you get the drift).Of course, this is NOT meant to be a hassle on anyone, feel free to follow one RSS feed only and not both, and so on. Same goes for the comments: I would never expect anyone to comment twice just because the posts exist in both languages. In fact, these blogs can be viewed as quite independant from each other. I may at times post one entry in French only because it relates to something that doesn’t need to be in English, or the contrary, but when I can, I’ll “translate”. You probably won’t miss a lot if following one of the blogs only.Now to fully realize that I’ve added yet another thing to do to my growing list of activities… it’s a good thing that I write fast!
FILED UNDER : Blogging
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Welcome to your “new” blog, Yzabel. It looks really good. Best of luck with it.
Thank you! I must admit that aprt of me is still a bit frightened at the idea of “not having the time”, but on the other hand, if I don’t decide to write more now (and practicing my skills in my own language!), I’ll probably never do. Being afraid gets so tedious after a while.