New Theme
As you, faithful readers, can tell from the new layout here, I didn’t have too much time today to peruse more in depth the woes of the writer or the Secret Art of Blogging. My apologies for this. It’s past 10 pm, and I very much doubt that I’ll still have the energy to write a long, meaningful post before bedtime.With this said… Did I grow tired already of my former layout? Not exactly. I simply had this urge to tinker more deeply with a completely different kind of theme, this time in three columns (and not purple!), as it had been a while I was considering one. I did test it on a… test blog, yes, and with three browsers (namely FireFox 1.06, IE 6 and Netscape 7.0). However, if you were to notice any problems with it, please let me know. I’ll feel obliged to learn more by breaking the theme into pieces again and trying to fix the problem.Y Tags: theme | wordpress
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Lee Carlon
Looks good Yzabel, the colour scheme is a lot easier on the eye than the purple was.
Well, the more I look at it, the more I think that changing the theme was indeed a good choice. You’re totally right–it seems more peaceful and less hard on the eye this way.
Hey Yza!The blog looks really good! The color scheme is very easy on the eyes and it’s pleasant to read. I did notice one thing, though. I’m using Opera 7.54 browser, and the link meny sort of overlaps the blog. I took a screenshot so you could see how it looks: ::clicky::.Opera isn’t one of the “large” browsers, I guess, but it’s decent and growing, and I figured I could at least mention it, since you wanted comments :).
N. Mallory
I love the color scheme. These are some of my favorite colors. 🙂
Erf, thanks for pointing me to this! I’ve never worked with Opera yet (usually I do my testing with the three browsers mentioned above–and never testing on Safari because, well, I don’t own a Mac, haha). I’m downloading it now, though, so whenever I get a chance, I’ll be trying to fix this problem. Let’s see if it’s possible, given how hard and awful it is to get a site to show up properly in *every* browser!And I’m glad that you two are liking the color scheme 🙂
Hmm… I installed the latest Opera version (well, the free one available from their site), and the site displays properly… Now this is going to be, uhm, “convenient” to fix the bug…
N. Mallory
I hope you don’t mind. I plan to steal your color scheme for the redesign of my diet blog…Now if I can just find a graphic of a chubby dieting fairy. ;)BTW, isn’y “No Plot? No Problem!” great? I thought he was very amusing and had some good things to carry over to things other than nanowrimo.
I don’t mind, I can’t claim any copyright on this anyway, given that it’s a theme I adapted (it was too close to what I had in mind to just start from scratch) :)As for the book, I’m liking it a lot too. I find the tone very amusing and hit-on-the-nail’s head at the same time, especially when the author mentions the “Inner Editor”, since this is one of my problems when writing. It convinced me to try NaNoWriMo even more this year, if only to leave behind the “if it’s not perfect at the first try, then I’m a failed writer” attitude I tend to have on my bad days.Of course, like you wrote, lots of his advice can (and probably should) be used for regular writing. Better rush through a book in two months and perform heavy editing afterward, rather than edit heavily while you write and then find yourself still not finished after three years…