Not Dead
No, I’m not dead, I just haven’t been in the mood for blogging much these days. Coupled with being away the past week-end, fighting with scenes from my novel that wouldn’t go my way (see the “NaNo” blog for this), and falling sick (as usual every two months or so), life’s been full. Alright, to be realy honest, I need to blame Stepmania as well, though in a good way; I definitely needed to get back in shape, and doing mindless cardio on stationary bikes really isn’t my thing at all. I was looking at fun alternatives, and I remembered having tried DDR once… The fate of this author was sealed, and a dance mat went on its way to reach me.
Things are going well with the writing so far, in any case. In spite of my battle with scenes that will go to the unused basket, replaced as they are by more appropriate ones, the ball goes on rolling. Five chapters under my belt, it’s not that bad, and for a change, they’re planned ones, not written on the spur of the moment.
I’ll love this story as much as I’ve loved creating the universe it’s set in, which is an excellent thing.
FILED UNDER : Miscellaneous , Writing & Stories
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Glad to hear that you are still with us. The last time that I lost interest in blogging, I took a week off instead of just posting for the hell of it.At least your writing is moving along!
Five chapters is a great accomplishment, Yzabel. Now you’ve got me curious about the Stepmania thing. I need to lose some weight, but walking by myself and/or buying an expensive stationary bike does not sound appealing. But this sounds like fun!
Wow, awesome!And good to have you back 🙂
I have a 3-foot trampoline in my blogorium which I bounce away on every few hours. It works wonders for the circulation, takes up no room at all, and was very inexpensive to buy. The perfect solution for blog-addicts and fatso’s. 🙂
Benjamin Solah
Good to see you writing and that you’re fine.I think the whole blogosphere has been a tad quiet lately, it’s been eerie.