Storyright – Story Planner
It’s only today that I’ve discovered this site, which is still in it beta version, but looks pretty interesting all the same: Storyright. From what I’ve seen of it, it’s a story planner that lets you write about your story, its themes, its plots and subplots, as well as fill out “character sheets” (the latter including various data fields: physical description, role in the story, education, likes&dislikes, etc). I’ve signed up for an account, although I haven’t toyed with all the functions yet, but all in all, this seems like a nice and free alternative to the expensive software out there such as Power Writer (which is good in my opinion, but I really don’t have 190$ to shell out for a planning software right now). Story outlines can also be exported as Word documents, so that your work isn’t totally dependent on the state of the server on which the site is hosted.So far, what bothers me with it is that it only seems to work as intended under IE, and that, well, you need to have an Internet connection to use it. For the rest, I haven’t tested it enough to tell. It looks like it refreshes fast, at the least.