Yzabel / August 5, 2005

The Writers Blog Alliance

I wanted to test it first myself before writing about it here, but as this is now done, here’s a little plug for The Writers Blog Alliance, a project intiated by Clive Allen from Gone Away and given shape to by Deborah Woehr from The Writers Buzz.In a nutshell, the Alliance (still in its beta version at this point) is to provide a place where writers who blog can gather and get more exposure, instead of being drowned in the huge mass of blogs without any hope of getting above it due to the more technical orientation of the famous “A-list”, which members (like most of us, in fact) seldom link to sites outside of their range of interest; writers’ blogs are thus naturally “excluded” from it, and can’t benefit from the linkage it provides. In the words of Clive himself in his post , here’s a more precise description:

WBA began as an idea for increasing the visibility of writer’s blogs. It occurred to me that we are all in a race for traffic, the lifeblood of blogs, but we’re losing that race because our market is smaller than that of the big guns, the blogs on the A-list. In the blogosphere, success is measured by links; the top sites count their incoming links in the thousands whereas we think we’re doing pretty well if we get a hundred links. And quality of link counts too; if you can achieve a link from a blog on the A-list, your own blog’s importance (and traffic) will increase dramatically.The problem is that writers will never get links from A-list blogs; they deal in news and current affairs, oddities and gadgets, we provide good writing that does not depend upon the latest events (I know the journalist writers are an exception to that but they need to consider the toughness of their opposition – the A-list bloggers are entrenched). We’re in a bind: without links to high traffic sites, our blogs can never rise above the cacophony of the millions of blogs, to be noticed by our potential market; but none of the top blogs are ever going to be interested in what we’re offering. What we need is a few heavyweight blogs of our own to dish out links to us so that we can be noticed.

It’s of course hard to tell at this point how things will evolve, but all in all, the project seems to be starting off pretty well in my eyes. With a grouped effort, it can surely go evern further.Y Tags: | |

Yzabel / August 5, 2005

WordPress Themes from V4NY’s Box

Even though there are more than two hundreds WP themes currently available, the same ones tend to come back more than often. Hopefully, the ones on V4NY’s Box haven’t been used by everyone and their dog yet—and most of them are really worth the look, whether one is looking for a two- or three-columns template or for one in light tones.These themes are all free of use (provided credit is given, of course), with modifiable colors and images; a demo is also available on this page.Y Tags: |

Yzabel / August 5, 2005

Domain Name Temporarily Unavailable

Just a short FYI: I’m testing a new redirection for the https://ylogs.com domain name, which may make it unavailable some time during the next 24-48 hours. If this works well, permalinks will also work with the ylogs.com structure, and not only the yzabel.paradygma.com one.Sorry for the inconvenience. The blog remains available at http://yzabel.paradygma.com anyway.[UPDATE]That was fast! I updated the nameservers just after posting this entry this morning, and barely five hours after, everything was already up. Which means, back in action the normal way!The only change I had to perform was in the permalinks’ structure (I needed to add /index.php/ in front of them, else they wouldn’t work). As for the old permalinks, the ones pointing to yzabel.paradygma.com, they still do work.

Yzabel / August 4, 2005

Plagiarism and the Writer

This stemmed from the comments left on John’s entry Blog Tips for Writers, as I was wondering whether this should be left as “simple” comments or be worth a spotlight here. I decided on an entry here.A few years ago, when I was new and naive regarding the wide possibilities of Internet, I used to have my own website, and I used to publish some of my writings there, as well as drawings. Granted, it wasn’t anything terrific, whether regarding the web-design work or the translation of my texts, but it was there nonetheless. This beginner’s website is now long gone, dead and buried along with the server on which it used to be hosted; however, recently, I’ve started to toy again with the idea of translating a few of pieces and on posting them here.That’s when the fear started creeping in me—the fear of seeing my work stolen and used, just liked it happened on several art communities I’ve been on in the past, just like it’s also happening on certain blogs, whose unscrupulous owners simply copy and paste full posts from feeds they read and try to pass them for their own. The world wide web is just like its name indicates it—wide— and the wider a system is, the more numerous the chances of seeing this kind of theft and plagiarism to happen.I know that my current website still features several of my drawings (mostly vector ones now, as I’ve switched to this mode of expression over the past two years); I’m however careful to not publish usable versions of these pictures. They’re 72 dpi, they’re not printable due to the sloppy quality this would result in. Words, on the other hands? Words are easy to highlight and copy in a text editor, words are easy to grab—unless it’s just a part of a piece that gets published, but for short stories or on poems, what would be left of them if only publishing a tiny part online? What would be the point for the reader?Read More

Yzabel / August 4, 2005

Blog Client: Qumana

First in my round of testing (see Choosing a Blog Client) comes Qumana. Why this one and not another? Tough question. There probably won’t be any answer to this, except for « I found the name intriguing ».Qumana is a free desktop client that will allow you to update blogs on the most used blog tools and services (Blogger, Blogware, WordPress, Typepad, Squarespace, MovableType, Drupal, BlogHarbor)—which is probably more than enough for most people and for starters.

Qumana interface

Read More

Yzabel / August 3, 2005

The Daedalus Project

Some may have noticed that I’ve added this link in my list in the sidebar of this blog. The Daedalus Project is indeed worth a visit, and repeated ones, even, from whomever is interested in surveys, statistics and psychology about the world of MMORPGs (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games).

Articles and research include various themes, such as The Rise and Fall of Guilds, Communication/Relationships Skills, Elves, Ogres and Drama Queens: Stories of Digital Intrigue and Drama or Games, Life, and The Pursuit of Happiness.

If by chance you’d feel like helping with the surveys, taking part is easy and won’t take you more than a few minutes.

I’ve always found this website pretty fascinating, if only for the general behavioral patterns it has outlined over the past years. Whether it’s about EverQuest, World of Warcraft or any other MMORPG, many times they remain exactly the same—sometimes worrying, sometimes enlightening, but never boring. A beautiful sociocultural analyzis, in fact.

Yzabel / August 2, 2005

My Top 10 Blogs

Duncan at The Blog Herald posted about it, and John at SYNTAGMA made me realize that it could be interesting to do that as well. So, answering to this indirect invitation from Steve Rubel to share them through the Technorati tag at the end of this entry, here are the 10 blogs I’d take with me on a desert island:Naniwa Spirit — I may not comment often, and I may not have commented a lot in the past, when there wasn’t any feed for it yet and I’d often miss the new posts, but throughout the past years, I’ve really loved reading what Silmy had to say on her life in Japan.ProBlogger — I may not be making any money with my blogs… however, this one is a gold mine for blogging news, advice and tools recommendations on more than one account.SYNTAGMA — Why, yes, I like the tone of your posts, John.Neil Gaiman’s Journal — This shouldn’t come as a surprise, right?Shots in the Dark — Snippets of life and observations…You need to post more often, girl! (I know, I know… Lack of time and opportunities to do so.)The Blog Herald — More about blogs, but I’m never tired of it.Alas (A Blog) — Because Ampersand always has the knack to write about touchy matters with a unique tone.Contentious — Amy Gahran’s topics about online communication are often pretty interesting. Notably her “vermin” series.The Skinny Daily Post — A huge inspiration for me, and part of which has sustained my new lifestyle in the past semester.The New World Notes — That’s about Second Life, alright. Wagner James Au’s views and interviews.Y Tags:

Yzabel / August 2, 2005

Regender The Web

Found through Badgerbag, here’s a an amusing tool written by Ka-Ping Yee of wolog.net:

Regender filters the web & remaps gendered terms. He swaps with she, woman with man, and – best – Michael with Michelle. It’s surreal to read the New York Times front page when all the reporters and subjects of reporting are women. (Or have even the thinnest veneer of womanhood: a name.) It’s surreal to realize how surreal it is. Though I’m one of the rantiest feminists around, and I think a lot about it, it still jolted me to realize just how much of the world is about men, run by men, and reported by men. I don’t even NOTICE. It goes under the radar. It’s “normal”. Ping’s tool de-normalizes patriarchy. Coming up against my own sexism — because not noticing the imbalance is sexist, make no mistake – is tough and disturbing.

Amusing, and also giving a lot to think at times, when finally noticing how much “rewriting” a whole site can make its content look suddenly so very different in meaning. I’ve tried it on a few pages, from this very blog to online newspapers, and some of the results indeed end up being almost surreal (changes applied to names are part of making it so, I think—especially when seeing “Frank Inter” instead of “France Inter” in one of my own posts, and frantically searchingthe Edit button before realizing it wasn’t a typo on my part). It would probably have even more of an impact if I were to use it to browse my regular sites during a week or so, perhaps confusing my brain, perhaps opening my perceptions some more, who knows?An example of what Regender can do? Here’s an excerpt of a regendered post at Burningbird:

“Elwell informed his boss in Anthony of 2004 about being pregnant with quadruplets, and that he wouldn’t be able to travel for some weeks because of complications. His boss, Tina Armstrong, showed him a chart of the organization with his name removed in Mark, saying that he was being removed from the position because he couldn’t travel. She offered another position in operations, which he considered a demotion. He countered with a request for the East Coast sales director position, which meant he could continue in his field of interest, sales, and be able to travel for his job, because he could take trains or drive.”

An interesting shift of perception on the world, isn’t it?

Yzabel / August 1, 2005

The Secrets of WordPress Theming

Even though I’m yet to fully dive into this whole theming process, knowing how the WordPress templates work is something I’ve wanted to learn for quite some time. The Codex however doesn’t provide with the more easily understandable documents regarding this point, so I was thrilled when I finally found Secrets of WP Theming: Part 1 (followed closely by Secrets of WP Theming: Part 2 and Secrets of WP Theming: Part 3) on Sillyness Spelled Wrong Intentionally.Is this mini-series finished or not? I wouldn’t be able to tell. It’s nevertheless an interesting source that can likely help more than one person to get a grasp on how to create one’s own templates. Not that WordPress users haven’t already created their share of the load (there probably is more than 200 themes to choose from, currently), but having one’s own, unique theme is always something good in the end.

Yzabel / July 31, 2005

A Glimpse Into VectorTown

Here’s VectorTown, a site I’ll be keeping under close scrutiny for now, since it may become an interesting venture:

Vectortown.com is aiming to be a global community of serious illustrators, designers and artists who have a desire to showcase their vector artwork. Our goal is to promote the artists within community and to further the exposure of this exciting and vibrant art form. Our mission:

In the past years, my own work has turned more and more toward the vector style, and thus I’m always on the look-out for such places and websites. This one probably still looks a little empty for the moment; however, for the interested ones, you can read there an interview of Cristiano Siqueira, which art is pretty much representative of the good kind of work that is found in the vector world.