French-Styled Blog-Mania Broadcast
This will be of interest only to people who can understand spoken French, but I decided to post it anyway. Fortunately for me, I stumbled by chance this morning on a recent entry on, titled “Questions autour de la Blog-mania sur France Inter”) and pointing to the page of Radio France Inter’s broadcast Le téléphone sonne. On Thursday, July 29th, said broadcast was focused on blogs, and even though I had missed it at the time, it is still possible currently to listen to it on France Inter website.From what I’ve listened to so far, the confirmed blogger probably won’t find there any exclusive information; however, for anyone who appreciates having access to varied points of view, even if this implies going back to the bsis of the phenomenon at times, this broadcast will probably turn out to be an interesting one (it notably raises questions on the importance of comments, or the way marketing talk is perceived here).