Review: It’s Not All Black And White
It’s Not All Black and White: Multiracial Youth Speak Out by St. Stephen’s Community House
My rating: [rating=4]
(Book got through NetGalley.)
“It’s Not All Black And White” is a collection of interviews, short essays and poems from a number of people of mixed origins, and dealing with their feelings and personal experiences regarding the question of ‘race’ for them. The book features such texts from youths, but also a few from older people, allowing its readers to get a wider view of what being of such origins is, and used to be a few decades ago. Its layout is very differenciated from one page to the other, which is nice on the eye for starters, yet also goes well with its themes of difference and of not always being accepted for who we are—many different pages, however gathered all in the same book, as if to show that in the end, we can all be together in harmony. (Maybe this is just personal interpretation on my part; still, I think that whether intentional or not, this layout is quite appropriate.)
I wanted to read this collection at first because I thought it would contain interesting material to read with my pupils in class, material that would also concern some of them. I wasn’t disappointed. Such a book can definitely be used for educational purposes, and that its contents offer a positive outlook on what being multiracial means, as well as answers or at least reflections for those young people who would be struggling with their identity and where to place themselves. It sends them the message that “you are not alone”, and this to me seems to be one of its most important aspects. It is also an eye-opener in many regards, for those of us who are not confronted to such issues, yet would like to understand what they entail. I so agree with some of the participants, that sometimes even well-meaning, innocent-sounding sentences can still be hurtful, in that they contribute to setting people apart.