It’s been a while, really.
Due to various circumstances, including several writing & drawing projects as well as my studies and a couple of competiting exams, I’ve sorely neglected this blog, and I regret it; I’ve always kept fond memories of it, and I wouldn’t like it to remain dead.
I should’ve worked on it, and upgraded it, much sooner. I got delayed (and discouraged) for a long time because of heavy problems with the database, and didn’t dare to tackle those, in fear of losing my posts and comments here. So I slowly worked on the blog now and then, saving it page by page, and finally took the plunge tonight. Fortunately, I didn’t seem to lose anything in the process, not as far as the English version is concerned. Unfortunately, my webhost doesn’t support the latest WordPress version (yet), and I have no idea where the French version of the Y Logs has gone. It probably got lost somewhere in King Oblivion’s dark domains a long time ago, because I couldn’t find it even before upgrading. I guess it’s going to remain there. I certainly don’t feel up to translating all the existing posts again (some of which are pretty much outdated and not worth it anyway). For the time being, the Y Logs will be in English only.
Right now, I don’t have much time either to properly post every day again—there’s another exam coming up in less than 10 days—but I’ve got a few plans for the blog, that I hope to work on during the summer. I’d like to use it to post book reviews, among other things. We’ll see.In any case, I’ll do my best to be active here again.
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