Simulating Color Blind Vision
I had first spotted a link to this website on, so later on, I went and checked it for myself for a little longer than just clicking and having a quick look. The website is called Vischeck, and provides interesting information about color blindness, as well as examples and a page to check how your website will appear.
Roughly 1 in 20 people have some sort of color vision deficiency. The world looks different to these people: they often find it hard to tell red and green things apart. This often means that they sometimes can’t see things that ‘color normal’ people can see.Many pictures, documents and web pages are hard for color blind people to read because the people who designed them didn’t think about the problem. Vischeck lets them check their work for color blind visibility. It is also interesting to anyone who is just plain curious about what the world looks like if you’re color blind.
This may not seem more than a curiosity; however, for a graphic-designer or for anyone who dabbles in web-design and wants to obtain the most accuracy possible when it comes to displaying a site, this is a “detail” that not many people usually take into account.(All in all, once tested through Vischeck, this blog remains readable. It’s a good beginning, I think.)
FILED UNDER : Internet