Review: Marty Boggs and the Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb
Marty Boggs & The Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb by M.T. Acquaire
My rating: [rating=3]
(Book read and reviewed for {Read It & Reap 68} in the Shut Up And Read group.)
This book deals with the story of Marty Boggs, who finds himself dragged to another town and another life after his mother disappeared and his grandfather suddenly fell comatose. While trying to settle down in his new life—not such an easy feat for a newcomer in a school where everybody already knows each other, and where a new face immediately attracts the unwanted attention of the school bully—Marty soon discovers that odd events are taking place, and that they may be linked to the last archeological discovery his grandfather made before falling sick: the mummy of the long-lost king Kutkara.
I found “The Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb” compelling and enthralling, the mystery deepening and thickening with each chapter; some characters definitely gave off strange vibes almost from the beginning, but it was hard to tell why exactly, and so the plot unfolded itself without being given away too soon, with a definite feeling of horror slowly building up. Marty’s nightmares, while of the graphic type, remain dreams, and so they clash all the more with the apparently normal, tranquil side of the average New England town where the story takes place. We are aware that something terrible is going to take place, but we definitely don’t know when nor where exactly.
The main characters seemed well-rounded to me. Margo and her no-nonsense attitude. Simon who always made me smile with his eats-everything-in-sight attitude. Marty who tries to do his best to face whatever is about to befall him, in spite of being burdened with his own suffering. Dani’s courage. Margarete’s true face. Although I wouldn’t say I connected well with all of them, I usually liked them.
On the other hand, the style in some parts came off as a little abrupt to me, and I think that some parts were repetitive—for instance, the fact that Marty is unhappy in his new life, or that the school bully is really the worst, didn’t need to be enforced that much after a certain point (we get it, alright?). A few parts of the plot also seemed to be rushed; mostly I would have liked to know more about who was behind all of the problems, how that person came to become what she was—as well as how exactly Marty came out of the final confrontation with his final opponent. This may be explained in an upcoming book, since it seems to be a starting series, but I’m still of the opinion that it should have been addressed in the first one.
In the end, it is an interesting story, but a couple of parts would probably have to be shortened, and a few others given more attention.