Happy New Year 2006 (Very Original Title)
Into 2006 we now are. It’s odd. Poof, in a snap of fingers, it was 00:01, and another year. Where has 2005 gone?
Time is a weird, weird concept.
I’m not taking any resolutions for the year. Resolutions begin to sound like saying “I’ll go to the gym every day”, only to give up comes February because I want to make it too much, too fast, too perfect. I don’t see why I should bother with resolutions–I’ll do what I have to do, but on my terms, not because January 1st is some kind of magical number that will make everything easier. I don’t need a new year to start exercising more, or write more (already doing it, anyway). Let’s see, if I hadn’t taken my “resolution” in summer, I’d have started working on my writing now, instead of six months earlier!
Alright, this is said in joke. However, I still haven’t listed any. They just don’t feel right. They sound like some compulsory task, like an automatism everybody has to go through because it’s a new year. Resolutions can be taken and started any day, and I’ll decide on mine when the right time comes.
In the meantime, I hope that 2006 wil be a good year for everyone!