Yzabel / July 20, 2012

One Lovely Blog Award

1. Thank – my nominator and link back to the site.

My thanks go to Tiffany for nominating me for this award! (And also Jenifer)

2. Share – 7 things about myself

  1. I dye my hair so often that I don’t even remember what my natural hair colour is.
  2. I have a tattoo of a winged Ouroboros on my left upper arm.
  3. I like eating durian.
  4. I’ve been playing pen & paper RPGs since 1995.
  5. I can go for ~48 hours without sleep.
  6. I like reading books about the English language. For pleasure, not only for school.
  7. Whenever I buy or receive a bok, I always sniff its pages. I love the smell of paper.

3. Nominate 7 other blogs

In alphabetical order:

4. Inform the nominees linking back to this post so they know the rules (who, by the way, have every right in the world to decline).