This is not a New Year resolution
First and foremost, I hope that everyone here had nice holidays, and that 2007 will be a good year.
As for the famous resolutions, I’m not taking any. Resolutions are only made to be broken anyway. If I need to wait for January 1st to be here to take a decision, then said decision wasn’t really worth it to start with.
This said, I all the same decided to aim a little higher regarding The Wall of Silence. Not that I have delusions of grandeur, but considering that I’m not past the 70,000 words mark and am barely finishing part 2 out of 4, I think I can safely deem this goal realistic. And if I have to do cuts durning the editing process, well, I’ll wory about that later.
In any case, I’m glad: the story is going quite nicely, I have to say.
PS – I’m clueless. I’ve only inserted the new word count in the sidebar on this blog, and now the template is working as intended again. Let’s say it’s 2007 showing me a good omen.