Thoughts on Basic Posting Formats in Blogs
This morning, I stumbled upon what I could call an “essay on the basic posting formats in blogs”. This is something I won’t reproduce here, given that the article is divided in seven parts (eight, if you count the index from which you can reach all other parts) and quite long; however, I’d encourage anyone to read it. You can find it here on Contentious.While I’m aware that lots of bloggers don’t exactly care about what their writing style is like, or even about actually having a “style”, I took interest in this from my point of view of aspiring writer, as well as simply driven by curiosity. It doesn’t have anything to do with languages themselves, it doesn’t show a limited interest due to “being written for English-speaking people only”, and thus was instructing on more than one account. Whether in blogs or in other kinds of articles — who knows where the future and potential changes of career can take me or anyone else? — concision and editorial skills can be a valuable asset. So, I didn’t want to pass on the opportunity to take note, in case this would be useful to me later on.Some of these formats are very familiar; some others, such as the series postings, are seen less often. Regardless, there’s something somewhat fascinating in how all of this is shaped, and has developed over the years from simple links filters to a writing that can now be considered as a style.
FILED UNDER : Blogging