Website Update Finished
And I didn’t put any Flash into it.
Not much got written nor prepared today, since most of my free time has been put into finishing the redesign for Paradygma. It’s not totally done yet—I may decide later on to add some more information to the pictures, among other things—but at least, it’s now rid of the blah-blah, the frames and the iframes, as well as of the guestbook and news-with-comments that were attracting spammers and spambots faster than a porn mag does a teenager. Who needs these toys on a portfolio, anyway? I like simplicity.
PS – It’s in such moments that you realize that a Spam Karma or an Akismet is a two-clicks blessing.
FILED UNDER : Art & Design , Internet
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Benjamin Solah
It looks really good. I like the fact it’s classy looking and simple at the same time, very professional.
Yzabel,I checked out your site as well as your artwork. I was very impressed with your style of work and your talent. I sincerely wish the best to you.-Ignat
Thanks, Benjamin and Ignat 🙂
Someone else below asked this already about antispam scripts.I am getting nailed with Spam on my website mails and in our blog website – now its offline toomuch spam. Is there anyway to stop this? If not, there really isn’t any point in leaving it upand active. Any help will be greatly appreciated.Thanks for help, Keep up the good work. Greetings from Poland