What I’ve been working on
Back when I created this blog, I had some art/writing projects going on.
That was in 2005-2006. Since then, obviously, a lot of time has passed—enough for me to have moved on, shelved some of those projects temporarily, shelved some others for good… and started new ones as well. As I was recently asked in a comment what I’ve been up to, I thought it’d be a good idea to post a recap of where I can be found these days, and what my writing has been evolving into.
- Des Mondes et des Lunes: This is the place where I (try to) keep track of my works. It’s in French only, not very developed at the moment, and mostly set as an “author’s website” for the writing I do in my native language. I will develop it more at some point in the future.
- Eien: Back in 2007, I took part in NaNoWriMo (as usual, or almost) and worked on Oraison d’Être, a one-shot story set in the world of Eien. This one is part of the stories that I’ve shelved, but not given up on.
- Was: An ongoing urban fantasy story that I may or may not end up publishing online for free, and/or through self-publishing. I’m more and more tempted to go the self-publishing road, because, let’s be honest, this story is in English, and has no future in France unless I translate it, which I won’t do. It’s one of the two projects I’m having the most fun with, and it’s been going on slowly but steadily since 2009-2010. (For now, you can read the first chapters on its dedicated website.)
- Our Darker Purpose: This story in French (2/3 completed) isn’t available online, because it’s the one I seriously want to try and peg to a traditional publisher in France. It’s a dystopian Victorian (or, rather, Stuartian) story set in a parallel England, dealing with a world on the brink of destruction.
- Yzabel on deviantART: The place where I post my drawings. You can also find them on Paradygma, the latter however being more of a portfolio. If you want to comment on my drawings, strike a chat, or get fresh updates, dA is your best bet.
- Yzabel on Facebook: My FB *page*, not my personal account. ‘Yzabel Ginsberg’ is the pen name I go by for anything fiction-related. My real name is to be kept for official research papers, the day I finally bite the bullet and decide to go for a Ph. D. (I know myself. I’ll probably do at some point, if only because I’m too easily bored intellectually-speaking.)
- Mostly Goodreads, although you can find my reviews here on The Y Logs anyway.
- Shadow Nexus: My attempt at chronicling a 1880 Victorian England Mage: the Ascension game (all in French, sorry). I’m terribly late in keeping it updated, though.
- If you’re interested in Was: I’ve also been writing reports (in English) from the point of view of my character in another, 2009-based game of Mage, in which I play an alternate version of Ewan Doyle. It’s been fun. It’s only available on Google Docs, not publicly, but I don’t mind giving you access if you send me your e-mail address.
There you have it—where I can be found.
FILED UNDER : Art & Design , Books , Writing & Stories
TAG : atwork, deviantart, our darker purpose, projects, rpg, was, writing, yzabel