Working From Home
Since most of my job is currently done this way, I was quite interested, a few days ago, when Keith Robinson from To-Done posted his compiled list of things to do to be productive working from home. Sure, it can appear like the ideal way of working, and something that everyone would want to do. Beware, though. It’s not as easy as it seems, and temptations to slack off are numerous, especially when other members of the family are home when you’re working (I remember a commenter, on another post at To-Done, who was mentioning finding himself helping with the kids or the laundry instead of working).Here are a few of the points he mentions in his list:
- Stick to a schedule. Treat your days like a “regular” work day. Many people have found that a 9-5 or 10-6 schedule really helps keep them on track and productive. (I can’t agree more with that! Actually, it’s even what I myself suggested.)
- Separate your “work” area from your “living” area. This includes your phone and computer. If you’re a gamer, you should use a separate computer, or maybe a separate alias. Or hit up the Xbox like me! (I’m trying this—not the Xbox, working on another computer and in another room. It works wonders!)
- Get dressed everyday. Don’t wear pajamas all day. It’ll make you feel less work-like. (This way, when people ring at the door, you also don’t look like a slob.)
As an add-on, here’s also an article I got today through the Freelance Writing Success newsletter:Working from Home: 4 Rules to FollowA necessary dose of self-management, indeed.
FILED UNDER : Reflections
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Great post. I will definitely check out the links as I very much would like to earn a living as a freelance writer.
These tips sure are useful if you haven’t experienced working from home yet. It seems so nice at first… then enters the real challenge: keeping focused and motivated (my own job isn’t always terribly motivating, I admit). There are always tons of little things that can push to procrastination. My dog wants to play or needs to get out at a different hour than usual, my mother calls me, I think of doing some housework because I know I won’t feel like doing it in the evening… At least I’m alone and without any kid or other family member to disturb me, and when my boyfriend comes home from work, it’s late enough for me to stop working anyway. The rest however can be a real bummer at times.
I have a track suit that looks just like pyjamas. One afternoon I answered the doorbell to let a workman in and he said, “Having a lie in, are you?”. I said, “No, I’ve just been out for a run.” “What,” he said, “in your pyjamas?” How embarrassing is that? 🙂
Oh my, I don’t even want to imagine how embarrassing this must have been. I tend to be the “sport” type myself (having a dog with you when working from home discourages you from wearing elegant clothes a lot), I don’t think I’d ever want to be caught in something looking like pajamas! 😉