Working On Two Projects?
I’m considering working on two novel projects this year. Well, this is maybe not a good way of presenting it, but the idea I wanted to keep for the next NaNoWriMo, if I take part, I won’t be able to hold it off for very long, since I feel so much like giving it life as well. And truth be told, don’t we write for the sheer pleasure of the act, after all? I know it’s about doing it seriously if we really want to become published authors someday. However, in my eyes, our writing must also remain something interesting and enjoyable–a sort of a reward. Else, what would be the interest to want to become an author?
The second novel… so far, I’ve titled it Here Comes Trouble, it’s a sort of prequel to Unsung Heroes, and focused on the characters, rather than on specific events. I’m not sure this would be publishable. I’m not sure, and I don’t care. This one, I’m going to treat it as pure enjoyment, and I don’t even need to go over my leg to plan it, since the plan itself is already contained, or almost, in the characters’ profiles.
Yes, it may not be wise to work on two fronts at the same time. However, as long as it’s even remotely enjoyable, I think I’ll be walking a safe road.
FILED UNDER : Writing & Stories
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I’ve often worked on a few things at the same time. As long as it is organized in your head, which sounds totally like you are, then who cares?As for interest, commissioned work isn’t always that interesting…But fiction – 100% – must have interest!
Karen Lee Field
I can work on two projects, but the only way I can do it is by working in different rooms (or locations).At work, I think short stories. At home, my mind turns to novel length stories. It sounds strange but it works for me.I hope you find something that works for you.
Benjamin Solah
I’m always working on multiple projects. At the moment, it’s two novels in the first draft stage, another novel in the planning stage, a novella in the simmering in my head stage, a couple of shorts in the writing stage, two shorts in the editing stage and a couple of shorts in the simmering stage – and I’m sure I’ve missed some.And ties onto your idea of needing to want to write. My mood changes a lot, sometimes I think horror, sometimes fantasy, sometimes political. And I get bored with one project, so my heart isn’t in it, sometimes I don’t write anything when my heart isn’t in any of the projects, but I might have an inkling and still not write. It is only when a particular story or idea is bashing me over the head, when writing really becomes enjoyable.
Melly – For once, it’s fairly organized, yes 🙂 Not in every tiny little detail yet (if I ever do it the anal way, which I probably won’t), but enough to know where I’m going with both stories. And boy, does it feel great!
Karen – Interesting, I had never envisioned separating my work areas… I mean, I write where I can, especially now that I have the laptop. Yep, I guess it sounds somewhat strange, but as I always say: whatever works!
Benjamin – True. There also are moments when I feel more attracted to one genre than to the other, and in such moments, it’s hard to ford oneself to write something “really good”.