Writing Site Update
For some time, I’ve been wanting to ditch the Joomla! installation on my writing website. The RSS feed wouldn’t work, the URL-rewrite mod was a horror, and I don’t know if it’s me who’re lacking in skills, or if it’s really the CMS that can be a serious pain at times, but all in all, I got tired of it. Moreover, there’s no way I want to find myself fixing stuff in emergency during the school year. So, I finally gathered my spirits, and took a couple of days to redo everything from scratch, save for the texts themselves. The CMS I replaced with WordPress, and the forum with Simple Machine Forums. I can only hope that these changes will be for the best in terms of security and efficiency.
Why am I mentioning this now? Simply because URLs have changed, so in case you had bookmarked a specific category or something, be aware that the link may not work any more.
I’ll of course welcome any remark about how I could improve it in the future (I’ll probably change the template, but I still need to work more on developing those skills).
FILED UNDER : Writing & Stories
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Hi Y. Just checking in you. Hope the writing is going well.
Hi Fred, thank you for your comment. 🙂 The writing is going so-so–not bad in itself, but these days I need to focus on school work, and, well, said writing has taken a toll… But I’m not giving up. I still have the ambition to do NaNo this year (er, perhaps?). Which means I will likely post a couple of things about this on the blog soon, I hope. (I’m trying to put down the iron scheduling of doom to do my homework this year, and to free myself some time rather than spend it flailing my arms screaming “Aaaah!” and panicking. ;))
fred charles
Y, glad to hear that you are doing well. I am going to forgo Nano this year. I’m already working on something and don’t want to screw it up by making it a nano project, lol.
Ah, I’m notforgoing it, although I’m going to do it in a ‘carefree’ way, sort of–I write so little these days in terms of creative writing (articles for blogs to earn some money is different in my book) that even writing 1,000 words would be a huge achievement.Hm, maybe this meants it’s time for an update post in here. I really need to add blogging to my weekly schedule…